Discover New Smyrna’s Beautiful Beaches on Your Golf Cart

Driving on the beaches in New Smyrna and Daytona is a time honored tradition. It all began with horses and buggies when a stretch of sand called Beach Street was dedicated as a public highway in 1889. Then, in the early 1900s, the first cars were driven on New Smyrna’s beach. Car races followed in the 1930s, and were held on the beach at low tide. NASCAR was then founded in 1948 and used the beach between New Smyrna and Daytona for its iconic races until 1959.

For so many years, people have enjoyed driving their cars on the wide, hard-packed sands of New Smyrna Beach. Why not leisurely explore New Smyrna’s beaches in your golf cart? You can enjoy the salty smell of the fresh ocean air, feel the warm sun on your face and picnic until your heart is content. With their cup holders, spacious layouts for plenty of passengers and cargo, golf carts seem to have been designed with the beach in mind!

Don’t worry, it’s easy to navigate. Signs are posted for designating driving areas and speed limits, and there is a nominal fee that covers year-round beach driving – except for December 1 – Jan 31, which is free. Just keep an eye out for sunbathers and wildlife and you’ll be good to go!

Many golf carts are already set up as all-terrain vehicles, but if yours is not and you feel the need to make your cart more versatile for beach driving, just pay a visit to the exceptional service center at Gulf Atlantic Vehicles. Our professional, knowledgeable, friendly staff can slap some sand tires on that baby. It’s as easy as a day at the beach!

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