No one can dispute that golf carts are ideal for the golf course, but golf carts can be just as beneficial for
our aging population…
First and foremost, golf carts allow seniors to maintain their independence. For instance, if you are
getting older and you are not as comfortable driving your car in heavy traffic or confusing traffic
patterns anymore, a golf cart is a wonderful way to get around safely. Golf cart owners can maintain
their independence without having to drive at higher speeds. Most run about 15-20 mph. Another
excellent safety factor that comes with golf carts is that they instantly stop when you take your foot off
the accelerator. They are also easy to maneuver, so parking is a breeze. Many communities have even
become more accommodating by converting into golf cart-friendly communities, where everything is
accessible by golf carts.
Plus, if you are on a fixed income, golf carts offer an affordable solution because they save money on gas
and they can also help older couples get by on one car instead of two.
However, golf carts aren’t just the smart choice. They are the fun choice! When you drive in the open
air, you have more ability to observe and enjoy your surroundings and interact with people (while you
maintain adequate social distance) as you go. So golf carts can help keep us active and social, and who
doesn’t love that – especially in these times?
Owning a golf cart is like having a big toy and the options and accessories available for golf carts today
are amazing. They can come with cool stuff like coolers, cup holders, stereos, and a spiffy paint job, as
well as come equipped for comfort with plush carpeting, cushy seating and fans.
And here’s one (or two) more added bonus. Golf carts aren’t just spot-on for seniors. They are also great
entertainment for our grandchildren and pets love them too!