Save Money on Fuel by Getting Around in a Golf Cart

Need to make a quick trip to the convenience store? You can use a golf cart. Want to conduct a transaction at the nearby bank? A golf cart can get you there. Need to get to your kid’s soccer game up the street? That’s a nice ride on a golf cart. Oh and there’s more. […]
How Golf Carts Are the Preferred Vehicle of Choice for Seniors

No one can dispute that golf carts are ideal for the golf course, but golf carts can be just as beneficial for our aging population… First and foremost, golf carts allow seniors to maintain their independence. For instance, if you are getting older and you are not as comfortable driving your car in heavy traffic […]
Our Mobile Service Vans Are on the Road to Service Your Vehicle

“Mobile” seems to always refer to the good stuff. Let’s see…there are mobile Internet access plans that connect you in more places, mobile-friendly websites that make life easier AND – speaking of making life easier – there is the mobile golf car service provided by Gulf Atlantic Vehicles! Mobile service provided by Gulf Atlantic Vehicles […]
Service & Assembly Department – You Pick All the Options and Let Us Build It for You!

Golf cars are great. They are fun on the beach and around the neighborhood and handy when you own a big piece of property. They are an excellent mode of transportation for short jaunts. They help keep us social and independent – even in (or maybe I should say, especially in) these crazy times. They […]
Social Butterflies Find Our Golf Cars Useful

If you’re a social creature, a good golf car from Gulf Atlantic Vehicles is the ticket for you! Ever think you might like to go somewhere with very little parking and then think better of it so you can avoid the hassle? Well, if you have your own golf car you can think again! When […]
Show Off Your Golf Car at the Beach

Did you just purchase a brand spanking new golf car that you absolutely love? Maybe you tricked out your current golf car with a wicked wrap or you added a built-in cooler and fans that are just jonesing for some sun and sand? What are you waiting for? Some New Smyrna beaches offer driving areas, […]
Golf Cars Are Essential in Case Your Regular Vehicle Fails

Ever get in your car, turn the key and hear absolutely nothing? Ever start hearing a knocking that gets louder and louder while you are driving? If you’re like most people, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” I think we all have our vehicle horror stories. Well, believe it or not, there is an excellent […]
Golf Cars Are Great Stress Reducers

Ever think that cruising in your golf car might be a good place for meditation? It might sound crazy, but meditating while you are driving your golf car through the neighborhood can be very therapeutic. Meditation isn’t just sitting cross legged on the floor with candles all around while you chant “ohm” with your eyes […]
Looking to Buy a New or Used Golf Cart?

If you are looking to buy a new or used golf cart, look no further. Come to Gulf Atlantic Vehicles. Our services extend to Daytona Beach, Edgewater, New Smyrna Beach, Ormond Beach and Port Orange. Buy new. Buy used. Get it custom built. Make it street legal. Whether you want to purchase a top-of-the-line, brand […]
Golf Carts Are Ideal for Teaching Teens How to Drive before They Hit the Roads

A little worried that your teen will be driving soon? Want to add an extra layer of protection to keep your kid safe? Golf carts are ideal for parents who want to ensure that their teens know how to drive before they hit the highway…and all that added potential danger. Learning to drive in a […]
Check Out Gulf Atlantic Vehicles’ Ever Changing Inventory Available Right on Our Website!

Change can be good…like with the invention of indoor plumbing, when your acne disappeared and when Florida’s summer humidity gives way to a blissful barometer. It’s also awesome when it comes to the great selection of golf carts available for sale at Gulf Atlantic Vehicles! At Gulf Atlantic Vehicles in New Smyrna Beach, we are […]
Looking for a Golf Cart? We Can Help!

With over 30 years of experience in the golf cart industry, Gulf Atlantic Vehicles can help you find the perfect golf car for you. Florida offers an interesting dichotomy of seniors who liberally use their golf cart out and about and within their retirement community to keep active, social and independent; and those who may […]
Full Service Golf Cart Parts in New Smyrna Beach

At Gulf Atlantic Vehicles, your satisfaction is paramount to us. For four generations, our family has provided top-quality golf cart sales and service to the New Smyrna Beach area, but did you know that Gulf Atlantic Vehicles also offers a full-service, fully stocked parts department? In this day and age, you have to be careful […]
Golf Cart Buying Tips from Gulf Atlantic Vehicles

The most important thing you can do when purchasing a golf cart is to make sure that you are buying from a reputable dealer – one that is licensed and insured. You also want to make sure that dealer is factory authorized for the golf cart you are buying. Diagnostic tools and software upgrades specific […]
Mobile Service: Here to Help in Our Local Area

How would you like the heightened convenience of mobile service for your golf cart? Our main goal at Gulf Atlantic Vehicles is the satisfaction of our clients. Deeply rooted in this community and dedicated to continually exceeding the expectations of our customers, Gulf Atlantic Vehicles offers mobile service as just another incredible benefit for you! […]
A Brief History of Gulf Atlantic Vehicles

You can tell a lot about a person by his or her past. At Gulf Atlantic Vehicles, we are proud of our past because our history is chock-full of accomplishments that have led us to where we are today. Atlantic Vehicles began extending great quality, value and the consistent assurance of customer satisfaction to the […]
The Parts and Accessories Department at Gulf Atlantic Vehicles

As my mother used to say, it’s all in the presentation. So do you, and make your golf car anything you want it to be. Wrap it in camo, flames or skulls. Add racing stripes, your favorite sports emblems or dress it out in the American flag. Maybe you like cruising in luxury with cushy […]
Gulf Atlantic Vehicles Service and Assembly Department Is Here to Help You

Your peace of mind is what drives us at Gulf Atlantic Vehicles. Conveniently located on Pioneer Trail in New Smyrna Beach, Gulf Atlantic Vehicles is a customer-centric company, as evidenced by the mantra that customer satisfaction is our number one goal…and an unparalleled Service and Assembly Department that continually meets that goal. Looking for a […]
Buy Used From Gulf Atlantic Vehicles for Incredible Savings

In the market for a golf cart, but don’t want to spend a ton of green? If you could get an amazing deal on a golf cart – just like new – from a reliable, experienced team that has dedicated a lifetime to quality and value, would you? Of course you would! Here’s the good […]
A Brief History of E-Z-GO

Once upon a time (in 1954) in a tiny garage in Augusta, Georgia, two brothers – Billy and “Bev” Dolan – set the E-Z-GO saga in motion. Interestingly enough, it was the day after Bev returned from his tour of duty in the military, and their first golf carts were built with the military surplus […]
Gulf Atlantic Vehicles – Your Local LSV Retailer

Gulf Atlantic Vehicles is Volusia County’s trusted, local, family-owned, low speed vehicle (LSV) retailer. For over four generations, Gulf Atlantic Vehicles has provided new and fully reconditioned, pre-owned golf carts to Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach, Port Orange, Ormond Beach and Edgewater areas. The owners of Gulf Atlantic Vehicles each have over 30 years of […]
New 2050 EZGO ABC Charcoal Black


How Fast Can and Should Golf Carts Go?

If your golf cart is used primarily for golfing, by your kids or your older parents, you may be a-okay with the standard electric golf cart speed of 12-14 mph. Even golf course golf carts go no faster than 15 miles per hour. Guess they want to avoid any Steve McQueen “Bullet”-like driving too! The […]
Golf Cart Covers Preserve the Life of Your Cart

The more you do to protect your belongings, the longer they will last and the better shape they will maintain. Some of our most valuable possessions aside from our house include our vehicles, so don’t forget your golf cart when it comes to protection! One of the best ways to preserve the life of your […]
Golf Carts Are Perfect for Parents with Small Children

Although golf carts originally gained their popularity on the golf course, they have become a staple in states with warmer climate. They are a fun, open-air transportation option for those who live in small towns and local neighborhoods. Because they are open, they can add a level of social interaction that you just don’t get […]
Using a Fishing Guide Chart Can Save You Money on Fines

If you don’t want to do the time, don’t commit the crime…and believe me, the penalties for fishing violations in Florida are severe. You don’t want to mess around, so make sure you know your limits and seasons. Out of season and bag and size limit violations are a second-degree misdemeanor and carry a maximum […]
How to Care for Your Golf Cart

Golf carts actually don’t need that much care. However the little bit of preventive maintenance required will be well worth your time and small investment. It will keep your golf cart in tip-top shape for you and retain its value for when you decide it is time to sell. You’ll want to protect the exterior […]
Taking Your Pets for a Ride
What up Dog???!!! Pet owners have all seen it, the sad doggy face when he knows you are leaving. Our dogs want to be with us wherever we go, and if you own a golf cart, they can! Dogs love to ride in the car, and golf carts are no different. Wait, let me back-up…they […]
Customized License Plates for Golf Carts

We all know there are golf hats, bags, shirts and coffee mugs out there, but did you know you can get a customized licensed plate for your golf car? Remember when Mom said, “Your eyes may be bigger than your stomach, so don’t fill your plate”? Well, forget all that…this plate you can fill! Do […]
Getting Your Golf Cart Insured

Making sure you and your family are safe and your assets are secure is always a good idea…even with golf cart ownership. As with any vehicle, accidents can result in medical bills, lost wages, pain and aggravation – all which can add up to significant dollar amounts. The rule of thumb is to insure your […]
Covers for Your Golf Cart

We all like to keep the things we love nice, and we all love our golf carts! However, many of us don’t have garages or, if we do, we have a pesky car or other items taking up all the space. An inexpensive way to keep your golf cart clean and protected from the elements […]
Street Legal Carts and DOT Approved Windshields: We Can Help

Golf cars have become extremely popular, especially in states with warmer climates such as Florida. They are used for golfing, camping, hauling and to amuse the grandkids. They help seniors and those with disabilities maintain their independence and they are a great way to get around on a large property. They are even more handy […]
Golf Car Batteries and their Life

Let’s get you all charged up about extending the life of your golf car batteries through proper battery care. The life expectancy of a golf cart battery varies – largely on its use and the care it sees. The average life of a golf cart battery is about two to seven years. The good news […]
Gulf Atlantic’s Service Department Gives You Peace of Mind

At Gulf Atlantic Vehicles, your satisfaction is paramount to us. For four generations, our family has provided top-quality golf cart sales and service to the New Smyrna Beach area. Gulf Atlantic Vehicles is an authorized dealer for top golf car manufacturers, including E-Z- GO, Gem and Club Car…and since we sell all of the top […]
Creating a Custom Cart Just for You

Gulf Atlantic carries golf carts in all the top lines and offers hundreds of options and accessories to create the perfect custom vehicle for your needs. So, put your stamp on it, and personalize your cart so that it screams YOU! You can, in essence, turn your golf car into exactly what you want. If […]
Fuel Efficiency of Golf Carts

Both gas powered and electronic golf carts are very fuel efficient methods of transportation. Both have their own benefits, so it is important to choose the type of golf cart that best suits your specific needs. Electronic golf carts are nearly silent and run off of a rechargeable battery, leaving virtually no carbon footprint and […]
Different Golf Cart Designs: You Can Even Have It Wrapped!

First you have to decide on power. Golf cars can be electric carts that are powered by rechargeable batteries, or they can be gas. They also come in a variety of sizes. Although it is most common to see golf carts approximately 7.6’ in length, 4’ wide and 5.6’ high, golf cars can be compact […]
Best Golf Courses in New Smyrna Beach

“What other people may find in poetry or art museums, I find in the flight of a good drive.” – Arnold Palmer New Smyrna Beach offers small town charm, beachside appeal and plenty of great golf courses! Some of the best include: Hidden Lakes Golf Club at 35 Fairgreen Avenue – Hidden Lakes is a […]
The Best Golf Courses in Florida

“Some of us worship in churches, some synagogues and some golf courses.” – Adlai Stevenson Florida offers sun, fun and some of the country’s best golf courses….over 1,300! When it comes to golf, there are absolutely no mulligans needed here. Here is a short list of some over-the-top golf courses in Florida: The PGA National […]